Wash bottle for laboratory purposes[Specification: Total height: 330 mmOutside diameters: 85 mmMaterials: LDPE(Body), HDPE (Cap, nozzle), PP(Tube connector), HDPE(Leading end of the nozzle), Glass(Weight), PP(Weight cover)Features: #Can be used at any angle.The glassballfollows the liquid no matter what angle the washing bottle is inclined. Can be used upside-down, so the conventionally hard-to-wash places are easy now to reach.#Nothing to wasteThe bellows bends under the weight of the glass ball to enable even the last drops of fluid to be completely squeezed out.
Cosmo Bio USA提供优质的生命科学产品,从领先的日本制造商到北美和南美的实验室,研究机构,生命科学教育和测试组织。我们感到自豪的是,我们的产品在日本科学家和研究人员的精心呵护下制造出来,同时又满足了目前难以找到的试剂和仪器的需求。通过最大限度地提高我们与东京总部的分销能力和合作精神,我们秉承与尊贵客户信任的公司相适应的承诺和责任。我们还提供来自英国,挪威和中国的独特商品。