DNA Ligation KitLigation high is a ligation kit consisting mainly of T4 DNA Ligase. Composition has been optimized to improve stability after freezing/thawing cycles and enhance reaction efficiency. All of the reaction buffers, rATP, and DTT, etc. required for ligation are supplied with the kit. Ligation high provides better results than T4 DNA Ligase alone, just by adding to a DNA sample solution from a half up to an equal volume. Repeated freezing/thawing cycles may affect the reagent added in some commercially available kits to enhance ligation efficiency, degrading it and actually reducing efficiency. This kit, however, does not exhibit such a tendency and allows highly effective ligation at all times.Feature and Advantages: Easy to UseReactions using this kit perform ligation just by mixing Ligation high with a sample solution.High EfficiencyProvides 50-fold or higher efficiency compared to use of T4 DNA Ligase alone.Excellent StabilityLigation activity is not lost even after 50 freezing/thawing cycles
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