Useful for detection of the hyaluronan (HA)Histochemistry and CytochemistryDetection of membrane-transferred hyaluronanELISAhyaluronan purification with affinity columnHyaluronan binding protein rHABP is produced by expression induced culturing in the presence of IPTG using E.coli BL21(DE3)RIL transfected with human versican G1-domain expression vector pRK172VG1. As compared with animal-derived HABP,the high biological safety is confirmed. rHAB doesn"t bind to other Glycosaminoglycan and DNA and specifically detects the hyaluronan (HA).Biotin is attached to rHAB to make the biotin-HABP.Description: Versican G1 domain bind specificallyto hyaluronan and doesn"t bind to other glycosaminoglycan DNA. Versican G1 domain can use probe for hyaluronan detection.
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