[Principle: The reducing terminal of sugar is labeled with 4-aminobenzoic acid methyl ester (ABEE) through reductive amination (Figure 1). ABEE-labeled sugar can be applied to HPLC analyses using GlyScope Honenpak C18 (for ABEE Labeling Kit) (Cat. No. JOM-J715) due to its absorbance ability of fluorescence or ultraviolet.%%* This kit is not suitable for analyses of the sugars which do not have aldehyde group (e.g. sugar alcohol (xylitol, erythritol etc) or ketose (fructose)).Note: 1 bottle is for 20 tests.%% All reagents should be stored at -20C.%% Do not store the bottle once it"s opened. One bottle should be used for one assay.%% There is no problem for usage if the reagents freeze.Required Materials and Equipment, Not Provided: 1.Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA)%%2.2- propanol (isopropyl alcohol)%%3.Chloroform%%4.Acetonitrile (for HPLC)%%5.Standard sugars%%Recommended products:%%GlyScope Monosaccharide Mixture-5 (for ABEE Labeling Kit) (Cat. No. JOM-J713)%%GlyScope Monosaccharide Mixture-11 (for ABEE Labeling Kit) (Cat. No. JOM-J714)%%6.HPLC column for analyses%%Recommended products:%%GlyScope Honenpak C18* (for ABEE Labeling Kit) (Cat. No. JOM-J715)%%*Specially-treated Alkali-proof silica filler is used for Honenpak C18.Following materials are additionally needed for analyses using boracic acid system.:Methanol%% Pyridine%% Acetic anhydride%% Potassium borate buffer (Solvent for HPLC)%% Recommended products:%%GlyScope Solvent Set (for ABEE Labeling Kit) (Cat. No. JOM-J712)
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