For PCRQuick Taq HS DyeMix is a Taq-based 2à master mix PCR reagent that contains an electrophoresis dye (BPB; bromophenol blue) and anti-Taq antibodies for hot start PCR. This reagent contains all components for PCR except primers and template DNA. This reagent shows specific and efficient amplification. The amplified products can be directly loaded in the wells of agarose or acrylamide gels. Features: -As this reagent contains bromophenol blue (BPB) as an electrophoresis dye; the PCR products can be analyzed directly with an agarose or acrylamide gel. -This reagent exhibits greater PCR performance than conventional rTaq DNA polymerase. -This reagent contains anti-Taq antibodies for hot start PCR. Hot start technology realizes highly specific and sensitive PCR. -This reagent is stable for at least three months at 4°C. No decrease in reaction efficiency is observed following 30 freeze-thaw cycles. -This reagent is suitable for a colony-direct PCR
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