Determination of Mouse GIP(Active) in plasma sampleSupplementary: SandwichApplicable Sample: mouse plasma (EDTA-2Na + DPP-4 inhibitor) and culture medium supernatantOther: The incretin hormones, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagons-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), are a group of gastrointestinal hormones that cause an increase in the amount of insulin released from the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans after ingestion of food.This ELISA kit has high specificity to mouse GIP (1-42) active form and shows no crossreactivity to mouse GIP (3-42) inactive form.Assay range: 7.8 - 500 pg/mLSpecificity: This ELISA kit has high specificity to human GH(1-43) and shows no crossreactivity tohuman GH(1-191).Kit Characteristics: The assay is completed within 2 hr + 1 hr + 0.5 hrWith one assay kit, 40 samples can be measured in duplicateTest sample: mouse plasma(EDTA-2Na + DPP-4 inhibitor) 25 uLThe kit can be used dividedly in strips.Intra-assay CV(%): 5.8-6.0Inter-assay CV(%): 1.6-3.3
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