The Oil Red O kit is used to demonstrate adipocites and neutral triglicerides. This is also useful to demonstrate adipogenesis. Fat cells and neutral fat will be coloured in red and the nuclei in blue.Uses and sample preparation:This kit can be used in frozen tissue sections, fresh smears or touch preps. It is recommended the use of saline formalin or Baker’s fixative in order to maintain the phospholipidsComponents:Mayer’s hematoxylinAbsolute propylene glicol85% propylene glicolOil Red O ReagentShort procedure:Rinse slides with distilled waterPlace in absolute propylene glycolPlace in Oil Red O solutionPlace in 85% propylene glycolRinse in two changes of distilled waterPlace in HematoxylinRinse well with waterClear and coverslipStaining characteristics:Fat cells and neutral fat can be coloured in red and the nuclei in blue-purple.
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