For real time PCRThis product is a 2 x Master Mix for "1-step real-time PCR" using a thermostable DNA polymerase derived from Thermus thermophilus (Tth) HB81). Tth DNA polymerase exhibits reverse transcriptase activity in the presence of Mn2+ ions. This system allows for "1-step real-time PCR", including reverse transcription and PCR steps. This reagent is applicable for TaqManR assay or hybridization probe assay, in combination with each probe.Features: -This reagent is suitable for high-throughput real-time PCR and increases reliability of product, due to lowered risk of contamination. -This reagent can be used in systems using glass capillaries (e.g., LightCycler, Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.). -This reagent can be used in systemsusing passive reference (e.g., 7700, Applied Biosystems, Inc.). The passive reference dye does not affect any other systems. -Hot Start technology, using anti-Tth DNA polymerase antibodies, allows for high specificity and reproducible amplification
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