Hematoxylin is frequently used together with Eosin, nuclear fast red, periodic acid or alcian blue. It is also used in immunohistochemical procedures to visualize the end product. Our Weigert’s Hematoxylin Kit does not contain mercury.Uses and sample preparation:Slides should be deparaffinized through xylene or substitute and descending grades of alcohol to distilled water prior to staining. Designed for research use only, it is not approved for human or animal use, or clinical diagnosis.Components:Hematoxylin Weigert’s Reagent AHematoxylin Weigert’s Reagent BShort procedure:Mix equal parts of Reagent A and BPlace the sample in the freshly prepared solutionRinse with tap waterAdd 1% HCl in 70% ethanolWash with tap water and then with distilled waterDehydrate with graded ethanol, clear and coverslipStaining characteristics:Nuclei can be visualized as black.
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