This kit is intended to measure egg proteins in food products. This kit can measure standard egg proteins in a solution at a concentration ranging from 0.78 to 50 ng/mL.Supplementary: SandwichApplicable Sample: FoodOther: This product is a food allergen screening test kit which can detect egg proteins in foods.This product is based on the guidelinesshown by CAA Notification No. 286 from the Deputy Secretary General of the Consumer Affairs Agency dated September 10, 2010,"Test methods for food products containing allergic substances". This product can measure egg proteins in the food such as rawmaterials and processed foods widely.AccordingtoCAA Notification No. 36 from the Deputy Secretary General of the Consumer Affairs Agency dated March 26, 2014," Partial Revision of "Test methods for food products containing allergic substances"", This is the improved kit by removing2-mercaptoethanol from "FASTKIT ELISA Ver.â ¡ Egg". In addition, according to a separate attachment 6 of CAA Notification No.36 from the Deputy Secretary General of the Consumer Affairs Agency "Guidelines for Evaluating Improved Methods of the TestMethodsforFood Products Containing Allergic Substances",it has been confirmed that its performance is equal to that of"FASTKIT ELISA Ver.â ¡ Egg".
Cosmo Bio USA提供优质的生命科学产品,从领先的日本制造商到北美和南美的实验室,研究机构,生命科学教育和测试组织。我们感到自豪的是,我们的产品在日本科学家和研究人员的精心呵护下制造出来,同时又满足了目前难以找到的试剂和仪器的需求。通过最大限度地提高我们与东京总部的分销能力和合作精神,我们秉承与尊贵客户信任的公司相适应的承诺和责任。我们还提供来自英国,挪威和中国的独特商品。